The 5 best decisions I made in 2022

Carnivore Diet: Without coming off as too Joe Rogan-esque, I’ve tried every diet from Vegetarian to Slow Carbs to Paleo to Carnivore. I like to experiment and find what works best for me. I only did the carnivore diet for 4 weeks. But I think that Carnivore was my favorite for two reasons:

1) The extremeness of only meat makes you realize exactly how diet and food impacts your mood, energy, and overall state of well being. It quickly changes your relationship with food.

2) Honestly, you just get extremely cut from it. I think I went from 15% BF to 13% in nearly 4 weeks. The before and after photos are pretty epic.

Hiring a team for my companies:

We went from 1 virtual assistant to 5 US employees & 15+ Overseas Employees this year

This time last year I was trying to do everything myself. I was somewhat anti-hiring employees at the time because I thought the idea of managing someone would take away from the flexibility that I seek to have with entrepreneurship. Reflecting on that a year later, that could not be further from the reality.

Hiring people proved to me 2 things:

1) Hiring is the answer to grow your company. We hired across all of our companies and I quickly realized how much more time I had back as a result (it seems obvious but wasn’t to me at the time).

2) I’m really bad at most things. I usually take pride at being a generalist and being able to figure out most things. Then I started hiring people who focused on one thing and realized how much better they were in the role than I ever would have been. This has been one of the biggest professional learnings I’ve had all year.

Solo traveling:

I’ve been to 35+ countries at this point. I love to travel, and so do my friends. But the truth is, I’ve never intentionally tried to travel solo. Doing so this summer and spending 6 weeks in Portugal alone was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. I had more time to be introspective, and meet new people in hostels and social scenarios that I might have otherwise missed if I only stuck with my friend group. Despite my history of travel, I was pretty nervous to do this. The questions around “Would it be easy to meet people?” kept popping up in my head. The reality was, yes, it was really easy. And I think doing the uncomfortable thing gives you the confidence to continue doing uncomfortable things in the future and be more bold and confident in your decisions.

Signing a 12 mo lease in NYC:

This comes after a longggg stint traveling full time for nearly 2 years. It was a ton of fun. But living out of a suitcase gets old eventually. And after moving to NYC in September, I can’t imagine a better place to spend your 20’s if you want to meet the most interesting people on the planet and grow your career 10x in a short time period. The stability & location is perfect for me right now. Even if I only am physically there 8 months of the year, I’d rather waste the rent and still have a bed to return to.


Both public and private, writing is one of the highest ROI activities you can do. Here’s why:

Privately – I don’t think anyone truly understands their own thoughts until they put them down to paper (or a keyboard). Getting the reps in with a simple daily prompt of “What am I thinking about today” and writing unapologetically can change how you think about everything.

Publicly – The fact is, almost no one from my hometown is into the same things I’m into. But, there are thousands of people on the internet who share my interests. Putting my goals, passions and learnings out on the internet has introduced me to some of the most incredible people I’ve ever known.


How Idiots Get Rich


Warren Buffetts 5/25 Rule